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More about tune-battle.de!

What's tune-battle.de?
At tune-battle.de you get free hiphop instrumentals for download.
At irregular intervals, provide the producer new instrumentals, also for free download.


Why are free instrumentals on tune-battle.de available?

The producer on tune-battle.de have fun in music and like to share it with other people.
There are always created instrumentals which do not find an artist. This instrumentals you can find on tune-battle.de for download and free use.


Are there restrictions for using instrumental music from tune-battle.de?

No, the instrumental music from tune-battle.de you can use without restrictions, also for commercial use.
It is only your responsibility to use this instrumentals.
Yes, it is not allowed to use this instrumentals for xenophobic or immoral songs or videos.
Yes, the sale of pure instrumentals is not allowed.
Please mention tune-battle.de in your publication.


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